Stuff of metabolism

The terme for politics has changed a lot in time. I won't go into details about that, but I'd like to point to the origin:
The word 'politics' is greek and means originally 'the art of administering a state'. When one looks at the political activities these days, it is hard to put politics in connection with art.
Without problems on the hand it seems possible to look at the term politics under the light of 'stuff of metabolism'. Also the politics of traffic. You will see: the stuff, the theme of politics is first of all only written on paper. Once politics changes its direction, the result is new stuff, new diffently written-on paper.
In a democracy it has been shown useful that not each one takes part for oneself in politics - even if that happens again and again and is nothing to be complained about. Humans organize themselves into partys.
Those give themselves programs, written-on paper. Does the program change, new written-on paper evolves.
The partys form governments. Sometimes one party governs by itself, most of the time several partys govern together. They form coalitions. A paper forms, a commitment for coalition. Does the government change, a new paper comes into being. And even in a government by one party only, as we have it at the moment in the Hamburg Buergerschaft (council), new written-on paper comes into being: a program for governing.
And this can be quite different than the one before, even if the now governing single party was part of the coalition before. Take for example the area Altona, where I am from. The CDU  (Christian Democratical Union) has formed a coalition with FDP (Free Democratic Party) and the Schill-party. Even if we do not want to predict the result of the negotiations and meetings of the members: you can imagine, that the commitment between CDU and GAL (Alternative Green List) presents quite a different stuff than the one that was before the change over.

To reduce politics to written-on paper does not do it justice probably. But if the politicians, hence the human beings who turn to forming the commonwealth  from the direction of state affairs, were honest then they would have to admit that a lot that is written on paper does not deserve the term 'contents'. Much is void of contents.
Much - not everything. As a matter of fact one more part of politics is the contents and their 'making reality'. But if there are contents on the paper then on the otherhand politicians have to admit that a large part of the contents noted  on the written-on paper will never leave that paper and it will not come to realization.
But still: part of politics is also the realization of contents. First in the means of written-on paper, of laws, rules and other state norms.
Does the government change, also part of the matter changes: the realizatiojn of contents changes. written norms are changed. And by that also the actions of the administration and the actions of each individual.
Contents are put into reality also in other means but only through just norm giving. Politicians can - as all other human beings too - live values. also through that actions of individuals can change.