Being apt to view this installation as a model of the universe we could note here as there regions of various density. There are clusters of objects and the strings connecting them. The whole thing is essentially not moving but for us humans the universe also appears not to move in its cosmic expansion even though the gigantic masses there are on the go with enormous speed actually and many celestial bodies are even in calamitous states of development: galaxies  crisscross each other, matter ionizes, unite to form new stellar systems, or clusters of stars collapse to form new gravity islands.

3. Take in dimensions*
If we relate to the universe we are dealing with unimaginable measurements and speeds. But when we look with our eyes from our planet earth to the stars everything looks very delicate. This is especially the case when we use aesthetic means. Let's for example look at the fantastic photographs that are constructed from data of the space telescope Hubble that with their gaudy colorful structures humiliate any painter. The view into the micro and macro cosmos which was initially in the hands of the artists has anyhows become an imagine giving technology  that grabbed the aesthetic dominance for itself  so that for the artists only the leftovers of the exploding cosmos of aesthetics have remained. The basis for the crisis of art lies in the shift of the dimensions  by the media:
-something distant appears close, something small appears large
 and vice versa

-high speed close to lightning speed appears frozen
-endless masses meet us in pictures and films and seem close
 enough to reach.

Lets stay realistic and lets look up!
Above us we have a cosmos: a cosmos of finds that Bromma has installed floating above us. Thanks to the many braking acts with her bike she recovered it from the garbage that circles undetermined on the streets and paths, and mounted it in a shape that has to be unlocked yet.

When we look into the net and through the material texture we do not see a wheel shaped net with a center. Threads are wired here in the whole room and in-between clusters conglomerate. Thus her net is not hierarchic because it contains seemingly chaotic clumping that ask for more attention than the thinned-out areas where interlaced pieces of cables, wire, cord, styrofoam, plant residue and tin emerge as moving lines and appear as dancing bodies. The agglomerations on the other hand remind of fishing nets as one finds them occasionally on beaches entangled with thousands of things. What hangs here above us though is not a product of hap- penstance that informs us about areas of the ocean through which it has been driven by currents, but these clusters here are concentrates of previous exhibitions of the artist.

It is amazing to experience Bromma in her work of reminiscence. She stands below the nets and discovers an unimposing shred of metal or plastic in them and then says that this fragment of a household colander was exhibited 2003 in Nuremberg. A screw top hangs in another cluster and Bromma knows instantly that this belonged to the installation in Hildesheim 2002. So it goes on and found is a blister packaging that she collected during her stay on Iceland when she was on an Erasmus scholarship in 1994. Even an empty glowing green gas lighter she relates right away to her exhibition in Hannover 2004. These installations were gathered when disassembled what condensed the unobstructed and airy compositions. Kept in this way every exhibition - though stretched out in space temporarily - stays available as concentrate.

In this method for me is the specialty of Bromma's installations that differs from the works for other material artist. Whilst
Gerda Steiner and Jšrg Lenzlinger spin a cloth from botanical and industrial artefacts of various provenance and create aesthetic effects with materials from the building supply store Bromma is looking for the trace. She connects the finds from her paths with her biography so that the nets that are populated with things intertwined with her life trail form inscriptions. The nets are a system of memory. This is underlined by the orange-colored threat she brought along
*the German word 'einstellen' plays here with its several meanings  - to put into, to exhibit and also to adjust                                                                                    back