Like Uwe M. Schneede describes it to be for the collage works of Max Ernst, similarly there is also no final goal with Siegfried Fuhrmanns installations, but only a starting point. 2  Not a design form intended to be carried out  by vision or idea but the starting point is the major input for the design form. Unlike a classical collage Fuhrmann presents a  starting point situation in his instal- lations. This starting point situation consists of pre-assembled partly technical objects which are placed in the exhibition space, next to this (like here) are put out more things, building parts and connection cables.
The final design of the installation and possible function of it will only be layed down by the visitors of the exhibition. Function and form depend on if and how the visitors perceive the starting point situation and decisively influence. Their opinion and imagination decide over the execution of the installation. Within the possible structure - of technical modules, worked over things, hoses and cables - there are the most different possibilities to decide, to work over and choose other parts. With that the visitors depend on their analysis and estimation of the
condensed output situation  to make their choice: what looks good, what could have a function, what should have a function, what do the others do - will a succeed with my plan? The installations of Siegfried Fuhrmann are reduced aesthetical and functional models to a certain degree. They offer a model environment for analysis, simulation and common realization of a connected relation
From the starting point through the imagination to the paradise?

Also the picture works of Siegfried Fuhrmann are variable in their design. The works exhibited here consist of photographies, different snapshots of the EINSTELLUNGSRAUM with its environment. In contrary to the installation the pictures do not represent a starting point situation, which should be added to or changed by you. But rather the artist himself took the different photographs as a starting point for an exemplary redesign of the environment of the EINSTELLUNGSRAUM. The photographs have been partly altered with a computer exchangeable foils add to, change and connect the motifs.

When later you look around also have a look in the basement where there is more to be seen. but first: have a lot of fun with analyzing and constructing.

1 Emil Zopfi: Informatik - Das Paradies in den Kšpfen. Rede zur Diplomfeier TS Informatik, 20. 06. 95, Chur, CH. ( IT  - The paradise in the heads. Speach at the occasion of the celebration for diplomas at the TS - IT / Technical School for infor- mation-technology, 20.06.95, Chur, CH)
2 U.M. Schneede: Max Ernst, Stuttgart 1972, ps. 29 - 39
