the tears that leads the multiple discontent about the demands of the alleged higher culture of humans into the wrongness of nature and only has tears left for the bursts of happiness - "nur im GlŸcke schlŠgt sein Herz noch" (only in happiness his heart beats) (Friedrich Nietzsche: Nachgelassene Fragmente/asset fragments, 1878-79, Vermischte Meinungen und SprŸche, Nr. 217/   compounded opinions and sayings, number 217.)

The small, medium and large individuals bowl and double-bowl and circle in the basement of the gallery as pins and double-pins collison- and destruction-free only around themselves as long as no breeze doesn't let their movements overlap. Ideally good traffic exists here just as in an idela case there could be good banking institutions. In reality this constellation becomes bad traffic faster than guessed which parts the involved people in a way of cut- ting-up. To avoid this we need the kind of humor coming from Duchamp and pataphysics saturated with seriousness which pro- tects us by bowling, swinging, striking and schlegeln*- the best in the play of the dance or like Nietzsche said beautifully
"Nur wer noch Chaos im Herzen hat, ist in der Lage einen tanzenden Stern zu gebŠren". (Friedrich Nietzsche: Also sprach Zarathustra (1883-1891). (Only who has chaos left in one's heart is able to bear a dancing star) [F.N.: Also sprach Zarathustra  {1883-1891}]. To arrive in this state of playful activity where according to Schiller a person  exclusively can be human and with himself we have to be drugged for the individual dance in the collective which could bestow us with protection.

Having been thrown out of the alleged protected garden of nature only black surreal humour remains and pataphysical conscious- ness laterally to all expectations and regulations because building on the lopsided technoid-instrumentalized, worshipped, civic rational leads - according to Andre Breton -  from one generation to the next only to madness of new wars of double-tongued people, economies, ideas of art and political systems.

Let's schlegeln*, protect, strike, swing and rock in pataphysical  poetry the madness of reality with the perception and ascertaining of the truth and invention of Llaura I. Suenner and enjoy laterally to the mainstream of the normative traffic the metric of the pulsed rythm with swinging, floating and outlook. Here then also lies a principle of hope with which I feel personally solidly in deep friendship, mentally and sensually deeply united.