connected with each other freely and surprisinly - so-to-say in an inner lightspace everything is possible: the paths of the French park become related to the paths of the mole (fear of any gardener by the way),  the jelly fish would be taken for the mole  and close to the light strings of synapses generate to a DNA-spirale. A real fieldbed is standing here. Is gras green or militaristic sparse? Is it about fight? about the preliminary says Annalena. The Geisterfahrer searching for her own way can have a rest here to recuperate, to try out own orders, which concen- trate the view of the onlooker in focussing points again and again to start off anew, break through to the next level between feeling and thinking.
In an inbetween sleep the brain goes from beta to alpha as known and from there no traffic rules apply. Here then it will be possible to perceive something what the eye doen't. Francisco Goya stated by the end of the 18th century that "sleep of reason gives birth to monsters"

Annalena does not let the world of terms go to sleep, but draws the invisible curtain to the world of pictures aside, so that she can play with both worlds in her inner light space at the border, one

recognizing the other as related. The condition that makes intuition possible, possibly the entrance to paradise? And this has nothing to do with age. But it is a miracle if it is successful.

Annalena is en route today between science and art and she is with herself, and she is highly concentrated prepared to enliven the thinking patterns lead from inside, what possibly is perceived as disturbance.
The car only delivers different 'pictures' than if Annalena would get out of the car and unfold her scaffold.

I wish for Annalena further as much wakefullness towards inside and outside and fortune on her way...
and for us an enlivening evening with the help of the stairs between up and down.
To finish please be informed about the Finissage on 24.06.2005, when there will take place  here an interessting podium to the term  "perception". Thankyou for your attention.
