Foto E. Suhr
sunday 21st of October 2007 at noon

)cultur technology(
theory in the initial stages

ART & New exhibition practices

An open workshop with the subject cultur technology. Tanwork with Reni Hofmüller (ESC), Jörn Müller and
 Elke Suhr  (EINSTELLUNGSRAUM), as well as Malte Steiner.

We tackle the question:
Where actually is the culture intechnology?
What has art to say about this??

Foto E. Suhr
       Reni Hofmüller / ESC Graz/A.

      Joern MŸller EINSTELLUNGSRAUM e.V.
Foto E. Suhr
Foto E. Suhr
Foto E. Suhr
       Nicole Pruckerrmayr   ESC/Graz/A.
       Miriam Raggam  ESC/Graz/A.
         Malte Steiner

      Foto E. Suhr

       Elke Suhr EINSTELLUNGSRAUM e.V.