Gunnar F. Gerlach: Dialectics of de-steering

Transcript of tape recording: Elke Suhr

There are so-to-say two motives which I would like to mention before the dialectics of de-steering: the small try to counter- confuse the seemingly order of the prescribed discourse with constructive work of disruption in critical idyl.
I start with three quotations:

1. Johann W. v. Goethe
2. André Breton
3. Theodor W. Adorno

In 1805 the old master Goethe says in the Annalen or day- and year pamphlets:
Was hilft es, die Sinnlichkeit zu zähmen, den Verstand zu bilden, der Vernunft die Herrschaft zu sichern - die Einbildungskraft dauert als der mächtigste Feind. Sie hat von Natur einen unwiderstehlichen Trieb zum Absurden, der selbst im gebildeten Menschen mächtig wäre gegen alle Kultur, die Anstand und Hoheit Fratzenlügner bildend, mitten in der anständigen Welt wieder zum Vorschein kommt. (What does it help to tame the sensuality, to form reason, to ensure the power for reason - the power of imagination will continue on as the most powerful enemy. It naturally has an irresistable urge for absurdity which even in the most educated person would be powerful against all culture, it makes grimaced liars of politeness and highness when appearing again amidst of the decent world.

Almost 150 years later André Breton, who was heavily attacked at that time by the hard-core people of the communist party, demands:
What does this reasoning help us when from generation to the next it only leads into the craziness of new wars.

Third quotation -
Theodor W. Adorno in "Meditation zur Metaphysik" (meditation about metaphysics), 1966, by the way part of "Negative Dialektik" (negative dialectics):

What once the spirit was keen to determine or construct as his equals is moving towards what does not equal the spirit what revokes its power and with which it becomes obvious as absolut evil.The summarily level of living, far from sense, is stage of suffering of living which spreads without comforting in the
camps everything appeasing of the spirit and its making culture to objects. Unconscious knowledge whispers to the children what has been surpressed by the civilized upbringing to 'what is this?' and 'where does it go?'.

Yes, precisely that is the question: "where does it go?" and "what is this?" and what should guide, steer  and navigate these small associative thought-ships in three small exits to the uncertain waters.

The 1. topic would then be the question: to what aim and reason do we steer, guide and navigate in spiritual and artistic matters through time and which dialectic process, sense of dialectics of the Enlightenment, do we have to meet then?

2. What guides and steered me personally to my artistic, philosophical project work in the mental institution to Bedburg-Hau, into the environment of Joseph Beuys and the term of "Soziale Plastik" (social sculpture)?

And 3. : Which provisional results allow deductions to be made for another artistic philosophical and perhaps even art-theoretical and art-historical praxis?
Somewhat analogues to Silke we well begin to try to recognize a basic steering, so-to-say through etymology. As we have heard it from Silke I will shorten it here a lot: steering - in fact from 'lank' and 'lache' (here and in the following regarding certain German words/terminology and etymology please refer to a text on our website from last year, where the specific German etymology of the word has been tried to explain) - also comes from 'hip' and 'joint' and the latter effect is not common  that it also comes from Geh-Lenk (= joint). Joseph Beuys, I just remember, "
ich denke sowieso mit dem Knie," (anyways, I think with my knee), by the way he said that  to a female student during a talk when it got tumultous and she fell against him almost breaking his leg, she was stuck to his knee joint with her skull. That is thrilling...
'Steuer" from middle high German 'stiura'. The meaning is first of all 'Stütze' (support) and 'Unterstützung' (assistance) and rather right after that 'Steuer, Ruder' (steering wheel, oar) and naturally then later - Silke already mentioned it - in connection with the ship, hence the 'Steuerboard' (starboard), to steer the right side of the ship.
