With a knowledge enhancing theoretical rhythm of four  by the arthistorian Aby Warburg from Hamburg, which in its shortness shows the human embraceness of the 
world  "Greifen -Ergreifen - Begreifen  - Ergriffenheit "(7) (seize -take up - touch/understand -emotion), with this rhythm of four I would like to lead to Matthias Berthold, who will open this year’s circle of exhibitions with his “4 - stroke - instructions”. 

In the sense of Warburg the artist hopes for understanding, for mental metabolism, through language instructions (Anweisungen). Consequently those instructions have developed during his work , coming from experiments in thoughts and self trials.on first sight those 
instructions sound like order inducing life-helps, but when one looks closer one sees they won’t lead to smooth mechanical functioning, but rather cause the motor of live to stutter. Subversive does Matthias Berthold avoid automatism of life through his rules, and leads to the contrary, to irritations, and maybe the rhythm, the mechanism of the forever same will 
loose its regularity. Rules, laws, behavioural guidelines which will lead to an order of practicality and order of use all of their own after functioning has been stopped 

The artist uses the small, cabinet-like, window less room in the basement - which evokes a closed cylinder through its form  by referring directly four-stroke engine with his installation. 
Matthias Berthold projects the 4 - stroke - instructions of the motor by arranging 4 boxes with instructions onto the area of the facing wall. But in the middle, where the piston is located, there is a fifth box, which establishes an imaginary axis to the viewer in the height of his/her eyes. The task of the viewer is to work and to lead to transformation by ‘touching’ with his/her eyes  and understanding of the meanings. 

On the ground floor the installation bears a different impression. The room itself becomes a box and huge letters made of light sticks , attached to the walls they run along them in one line which intensely shines the light on us. “follow the path of the sun”  in glaring white artificial light. A kind of cosmic draw into the inner room is happening, which brings to our attention other levels and spheres and hopefully leads to different paths.

7 Barta Fliedl, Iselbill / Geismar Christoph (Hg.)"Die Beredsamkeit des Leibes.  Zur Körpersprache in der 
   Kunst. Ausstellungskatalog Wien, Salzburg 1992, S. 61   
8  1.Takt (Ansaugen): « Nehmen Sie ein Bad in einem ausgehöhlten Stein.  Geben Sie ihr Blut den
                                   Insekten zur Nahrung.»   
    2. Takt (Verdichten) : « Gehen Sie vier Wochen lang garadeaus.»  
    3.Takt (Zünden / Arbeiten): "Folgen Sie einer plötzlichen Eingebung.  
    4.Takt (Ausstoßen):" Lassen Sie etwas zurück."  
    Mittelkasten: "Führen Sie eine unbeschreibliche Handlung aus."  

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